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The Easter edition of the newsletter is available to download - Happy Easter!

Latest Newsletter

Sunflower Seeds issue 51 is now ready for doanload with all the latest news from Casa Valentin.

Our latest newsletter

Download the newsletter below for the latest news from Casa Valentin.

Amazon Smile donates to Sunflower Fellowship

Amazone Smile - You shop. Amazon gives.

If you shop on Amazon, you can now donate to charity as you shop, for each eligible purchase made through AmazonSmile, Amazon makes a donation to your chosen charity. If you purchase products which are labelled 'Eligible for' and set us as your chosen charity, we will receive a small donation from Amazon, so if you're shopping there anyway, please use the link above and we will get extra funds at no extra cost to you. It's not a huge amount (0.5% pre-VAT), and we're not suggesting you consume more, or shop there rather than from a local retailer, but if you would have spent the money anyway at Amazon, then doing it from AmazonSmile instead will support The Sunflower Fellowship Romania, just a little bit!

Latest Newsletter

Sunflower Seeds number 49 - April 2018 is now available for download below.

Update on Adrian

As many of you will know, Adrian was injured in a domestic gardening incident (involving a chainsaw!) at the end of last summer. He continue's recovering really well and both fingers have healed quite well. He cannot play the guitar but does well on the keyboard. Anyone who has met Adrian will be unsurprised that he doesn't allow this to slow him down in the least, his enthusiasm and hunger to serve God are unaffected. Thank you all for your concern and prayers, please continue to pray for his recovery.


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