How do Romanian children celebrate Easter? Find out in the latest newsletter from Casa Valentin. We have also included details of the recent upgrades we have made to the Sports Field and the Living Room at Casa Valentin.

SP Children Casa Valentin

Social Programme children being interviewed by Adrian Popa in readiness for their visit to the UK recently.

10th Anniversary video

Watch the opening sequence of the video prepared by Pastor Adrian Popa in Romania for the anniversary celebrations.


Our Coffee Mornings continue to provide a time of fellowship for those who attend, whilst attracting a small but regular income for the charity each month. In June we will be holding our annual Summer Romania Days, designed to have a wider appeal with all kinds of gifts on sale. The proceeds will, of course, go towards the upkeep of Casa Valentin in Cataloi, Romania. Over 300 shoe boxes covered in bright Christmas wrapping paper and containing exciting toys, sweets, stationery, toiletries etc were sent to Romania last year. There were enough of them for each child aged 3-14 living in Cataloi and its sister village of Frecatei. For most of these children, this was their only present this Christmas. Our thanks go to all who contrubuted to this distribution.


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